Tips to stay healthy during the cold and flu season!

This blog post has been sponsored by Rainbow Light, but my opinions are my own. #ad #RainbowBoost 

As a mama of four little ones 5 and under there are a lot, and I mean A LOT of germs around our home. The cold and flu usually hit hard in our home if we don’t do anything to help prevent it.

I’m going to share a few tips I have for keeping your family healthy and happy during the cold and flu season.

Tip ONE: pick your family up the Rainbow Light multivitamins! They have many different options from, men’s, women’s and children’s multivitamins and immune supporting gummies, etc

It is a great idea to take your vitamins at the same time every day so you don’t forget! It is not necessary but it does help my family remember.

The vitamin C slices do not have a weird after taste like other brands we’ve tried. My little ones also love the taste of the children’s multivitamin unlike other vitamins we’ve tried in the past. They are also gluten-free which is a plus!

p.s you can save 30% on any products on there page :

Tip TWO: Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids! It is always important to eat a healthy diet, especially to keep up your immune system.

Tip THREE: stock up on soap and hand sanitizer! Those pesky germs always find a way around so it’s good to make sure you are washing your hands often or Carry some hand sanitizer in your diaper bag/purse!